The Standing Committee on Appropriations, Staffing and Security determines the proposed spending for the Department of the Senate to be included in the parliamentary appropriations bill, oversees the department’s organisational structure and considers the administration, operation and funding of security measures affecting the Senate.
Department of the Senate staff in the Senate chamber, 2018.
Appropriations, Staffing and Security Committee, 3 December 2019. L-R facing camera: Senator Dean Smith, President of the Senate Scott Ryan and Clerk of the Senate Richard Pye.
The Appropriations, Staffing and Security Committee is chaired by the President (centre) and includes the Deputy President and the Senate Leaders of the Government and the Opposition as ex officio members.
Appropriations, Staffing and Security Committee, 3 December 2019. L-R: Senators Katy Gallagher, Sue Lines (Deputy President), Raff Ciccone and Anne Ruston.
Appropriations, Staffing and Security Committee, 3 December 2019. L-R: Senators Deborah O'Neill, Jenny McAllister, Katy Gallagher, Sue Lines (obscured), Raff Ciccone, Anne Ruston, Dean Smith and Scott Ryan [Chair], Richard Pye [Clerk of the Sneate] and James Warmenhoven [Committee Secretary].
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57th report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2015-16 (presented out of session on 10 June 2015)Parliamentary paper number 229/2015
Annual Report 2014-15Parliamentary paper number 434/2015
58th report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2016-17 (presented out of session on 6 May 2016)Parliamentary paper number 211/2016
Annual Report 2015-16Parliamentary paper number 456/2016
59th report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2017-18 (presented out of session on 12 May 2017)Parliamentary paper number 163/2017
Annual Report 2016-17Parliamentary paper number 448/2017
60th report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2018-19Parliamentary paper number 191/2018
Annual Report 2017-18Parliamentary paper number 590/2018
61st report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2019-20Parliamentary paper number 165/2019
Annual Report 2018-19 (presented out of session on 25 March 2020)Parliamentary paper number 109/2020
62nd report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2020-21Parliamentary paper number 247/2020
Annual report 2019-20 (presented out of session on 19 November 2020)Parliamentary paper number 503/2020
63rd report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2021-22 (presented out of session on 25 May 2021)Parliamentary paper number 141/2021
Annual report 2020-21 (presented out of session on 30 September 2021)Parliamentary paper number 290/2021
64th report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2022-23Parliamentary paper number 95/2022
66th report - Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2023-24
67th report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2024-25